
Showing posts from September, 2022

How to fail: the importance of building resilience and rigour into the curriculum

  Rebecca Coulter - School Principal Young people never cease to amaze me. Their curiosity, innocence, humour and love of learning are exactly what drew me into the profession twenty three years ago and the reason I am still in it today. As educators, we have the great privilege and responsibility to positively impact the lives of our students, shaping their minds and equipping them with the education required to succeed in life. Dubai British School Jumeirah Park, like many other UK curriculum schools, has just celebrated an incredible GCSE and A Level exam season, with students achieving high grades and winning places at universities across the world. With a string of top grades behind them, society leads us to believe that these students will succeed in life: that high grades in exams are equal to a high intelligence level, which in turn, leads to a high probability of winning places in competitive careers and therefore achieving “success.” A straightforward, linear and direct path.