
Showing posts from November, 2022

Culture and Community

  Emran Kashem Assistant Headteacher (Careers and Community Links)   If I think back to my school days, my best experiences and fondest memories are ones that can never be recreated. They are unique, entertaining, fulfilling, sometimes controversial and always character building. I am fortunate enough to have made lifelong friends who I am still close to and know that a connection is there irrespective of what, where or why. Each and every moment has shaped who I am. At face value, in school, we are expected to learn content that prepares us for examinations and assessments. Initially this is called ‘playing’ in the early years and later becomes ‘working’. We sometimes fixate on getting the best grades and making the best progress which all contributes to achieving qualifications and accolades that embellish and cultivate a glowing CV. However, if I am honest with myself, the person that I have become is more about the experiences and feelings more than the qualifications. Make n