
Showing posts from February, 2023

Determination and Excellence - Being the Best Version of You!

  Eleanor Wade Head of Secondary DBSJP VALUES IN FOCUS: DETERMINATION AND EXCELLENCE In this series, our leaders will explore one of our key values each month. ‘All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.’ Walt Disney We all want our dreams, our children’s dreams and our friend's dreams to come true. We are encouraged to reach for the stars, aim high and work hard, have determination to achieve our dreams and desires. To be the best that we can be. The pursuit of excellence!   It sounds so simple – be the best that you can be, but the reality is very different, it is hard work. So how do we go about achieving this as we know the road to success is never easy. Some say that excellence is the key to success and that the journey will not be a smooth one, with many struggles and setbacks before we can reach ‘Excellence’. In the world that we are living in it is easy to see the people around us, our inspirations celebrating success whether in academic achievemen