
Showing posts from June, 2023
  DBSJP VALUES IN FOCUS: INSPIRATION We can be heroes, just not for one day.   Paul Cuthbert Whole School Assistant Head (Assessment and Reporting) Heroes come in various forms, and their impact can be profound, even if their names aren't splashed across headlines or displayed on social media. As I reflected on the question posed by my son of who my heroes are, it became clear that inspiration can be found in the ordinary, everyday individuals who leave an indelible mark on our lives. From sports icons to parents, colleagues, and even ourselves, the power to inspire lies within each of us. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of inspiration and the profound influence that ordinary people can have on others.   Heroes can emerge from unexpected places, leaving a lasting impression through their determination and unwavering commitment. Alan Pouton, an athlete not known to the masses, made an impact on my life with his relentless spirit on the football field. Despit