
Respect for Self: Unlocking the Power to Overcome Life’s Barriers

DBSJP Values in Focus: Respect Respect for Self: Unlocking the Power to Overcome Life’s Barriers Laurie Joiner Deputy Head of Primary Respect is a fundamental virtue that permeates every aspect of our lives. While it is often associated with treating others with kindness and consideration, there is an equally important aspect of respect that often goes overlooked - respecting oneself. Self-respect is the cornerstone of personal growth and empowerment, enabling individuals to overcome the barriers they face in life. In this digital age, where comparison and self-doubt thrive, it is imperative to understand the significance of self-respect and its role in fostering a healthy, fulfilling life. Respecting Self: Staying True to Your Values One of the fundamental components of self-respect is staying true to your values. It involves understanding and honouring your beliefs, principles, and personal boundaries. When you have a strong sense of self-respect, you are more likely to make decision
  DBSJP VALUES IN FOCUS: INSPIRATION We can be heroes, just not for one day.   Paul Cuthbert Whole School Assistant Head (Assessment and Reporting) Heroes come in various forms, and their impact can be profound, even if their names aren't splashed across headlines or displayed on social media. As I reflected on the question posed by my son of who my heroes are, it became clear that inspiration can be found in the ordinary, everyday individuals who leave an indelible mark on our lives. From sports icons to parents, colleagues, and even ourselves, the power to inspire lies within each of us. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of inspiration and the profound influence that ordinary people can have on others.   Heroes can emerge from unexpected places, leaving a lasting impression through their determination and unwavering commitment. Alan Pouton, an athlete not known to the masses, made an impact on my life with his relentless spirit on the football field. Despit

Is Student Voice the same as Student Agency for Students of Determination?

  DBSJP VALUES IN FOCUS: EQUALITY - STUDENT AGENCY Is Student Voice the same as Student Agency for Students of Determination? Colette Woolnough Director of Inclusion In response to the UN International Rights of the Child (Article 12) and the UK Revised SEN Code of Practice (2001), a drive for greater pupil participation for children and young people in their own decision making was enshrined in law. The idea that children have a right to receive information, express an opinion and have that opinion considered when making decisions that matter to them was introduced. As a true champion of the rights of Students of Determination, I applaud this new way of thinking and ensure that, whatever a child or young person’s level of need or required support, we would take account of their experiences and their desires for the future, making sure their voices are heard and recorded. Knowing a child or young person’s desires is also extremely important in helping them work towards a more independe

Courage: A fundamental value that promotes positive character development in learning

  DBSJP VALUES IN FOCUS: COURAGE A fundamental value that promotes positive character development in learning Russell Smart Deputy Head of Primary Courage. One of the eight values that we have identified at DBSJP as important to building a positive learning character trait. It is a fundamental value that is highly valued in our society beyond the classroom. It is defined as the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation, and act in spite of it. Courage can take many forms, including physical bravery, moral courage, and emotional resilience. “I will survive” It is fair to say that I often confuse the traits of courage and resilience. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, to recover from setbacks and to keep going in the face of adversity. Resilience is a key component of mental health and well-being. We are proud of how we support our learners at DBSJP to build resilience in a number of different areas. Research has shown that resilience

Building Lasting Connections in a Transient Community: Tips and Strategies for Cultivating Meaningful Friendships

  DBSJP VALUES IN FOCUS: FRIENDSHIP Building Lasting Connections in a Transient Community: Tips and Strategies for Cultivating Meaningful Friendships Jen Cruickshank Deputy Head of Secondary In today's fast-paced world, it's not uncommon for people to move frequently due to work or personal reasons. In living in a transient international community, this can make it difficult to form lasting connections with others, particularly living somewhere like the UAE where the nature is that families frequently move in and out of the country. One of the main things that stood out to me as a newcomer in the DBSJP community was how seriously the school values positive relationships and promotes making friendships in everything we do. I see daily parents welcoming new parents into groups, how students envelop new students with such care and attention to ensure that they receive the same positive experiences that they did, and the hours of planning that goes into our events to enable us a co

Determination and Excellence - Being the Best Version of You!

  Eleanor Wade Head of Secondary DBSJP VALUES IN FOCUS: DETERMINATION AND EXCELLENCE In this series, our leaders will explore one of our key values each month. ‘All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.’ Walt Disney We all want our dreams, our children’s dreams and our friend's dreams to come true. We are encouraged to reach for the stars, aim high and work hard, have determination to achieve our dreams and desires. To be the best that we can be. The pursuit of excellence!   It sounds so simple – be the best that you can be, but the reality is very different, it is hard work. So how do we go about achieving this as we know the road to success is never easy. Some say that excellence is the key to success and that the journey will not be a smooth one, with many struggles and setbacks before we can reach ‘Excellence’. In the world that we are living in it is easy to see the people around us, our inspirations celebrating success whether in academic achievemen