Building Lasting Connections in a Transient Community: Tips and Strategies for Cultivating Meaningful Friendships



Building Lasting Connections in a Transient Community: Tips and Strategies for Cultivating Meaningful Friendships

Jen Cruickshank

Deputy Head of Secondary

In today's fast-paced world, it's not uncommon for people to move frequently due to work or personal reasons. In living in a transient international community, this can make it difficult to form lasting connections with others, particularly living somewhere like the UAE where the nature is that families frequently move in and out of the country. One of the main things that stood out to me as a newcomer in the DBSJP community was how seriously the school values positive relationships and promotes making friendships in everything we do. I see daily parents welcoming new parents into groups, how students envelop new students with such care and attention to ensure that they receive the same positive experiences that they did, and the hours of planning that goes into our events to enable us a community to come together. It makes me proud to feel a part of it and in writing this blog, it prompted me to think of ways that we can truly make our friends our family and with Ramadan’s imminent arrival it felt right to publish at this time.

So, how can you make lasting friendships in a transient community? Here are a few tips:

1.Be open and welcoming: One of the best ways to make friends is to be open and welcoming to others. Smile, say hello, and strike up a conversation with people you meet, even if you haven’t seen them before. Show an interest in others and be willing to share a bit about yourself as well.

2.Get involved in community activities: Joining a club or group that interests you is a great way to meet like-minded people. Whether it's a sports team, a book club, or a volunteer organisation, getting involved in the community can help you form connections with others who share your interests. We have so many opportunities for this within school for students, parents, and staff to get involved such as book clubs, parent trips, student trips, and lots of community events such as our fabulous Winter Wonderland and upcoming Iftar.

3. Be there for each other: Just like family members, friends who feel like family will be there for you through thick and thin. Celebrate their successes and offer support when they face challenges. Make time to lend an ear, offer advice, or help in practical ways when needed.

4.Use technology: Social media and other online platforms can be a great way to connect with others in your community. We have a school Instagram page where we will often share upcoming events and we will often link any additional groups that support us in the delivery of these.

5.Be patient: Making lasting friendships takes time, so be patient and don't give up. It's important to nurture the relationships you do form and be open to new friendships as well.

6. Be honest and communicate openly: Honesty and open communication are key to any healthy relationship. Be honest with your friends, even if it's difficult, and communicate openly about your feelings and needs.

And lastly, accept and celebrate each other's differences: Everyone is different, and it's important to accept and appreciate those differences in your friends. Embrace diversity and be open to learning from each other.

Relationships take time and effort to build in and it’s important to invest time in to building relationships. Making lasting friendships in a transient community is possible with a bit of effort and patience. By being open, getting involved, using technology, and nurturing your relationships, you can find friends who become like family. Remember, it's not about the quantity of friends, but the quality of those relationships that matter most.


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