
Showing posts from March, 2023

Building Lasting Connections in a Transient Community: Tips and Strategies for Cultivating Meaningful Friendships

  DBSJP VALUES IN FOCUS: FRIENDSHIP Building Lasting Connections in a Transient Community: Tips and Strategies for Cultivating Meaningful Friendships Jen Cruickshank Deputy Head of Secondary In today's fast-paced world, it's not uncommon for people to move frequently due to work or personal reasons. In living in a transient international community, this can make it difficult to form lasting connections with others, particularly living somewhere like the UAE where the nature is that families frequently move in and out of the country. One of the main things that stood out to me as a newcomer in the DBSJP community was how seriously the school values positive relationships and promotes making friendships in everything we do. I see daily parents welcoming new parents into groups, how students envelop new students with such care and attention to ensure that they receive the same positive experiences that they did, and the hours of planning that goes into our events to enable us a co